We frequently publish articles about the latest news and updates from the yoga community. Select one of the categories below to find the articles you're looking for, or simply scroll to peruse the full archive.
Requirements for RYSs to Accept Title VI, G.I. Bill or AmeriCorps Awards — February 6, 2017 We occasionally receive questions from Registered Yoga Schools about the potential for yoga teacher training participants to receive federal education benefits, such as…
10 Things Every Studio Owner Needs to Know About Legally Classifying Yoga Teachers — July 20, 2016 Are they independent contractors or employees? Here are 10 things that every studio owner should know about classifying their yoga teachers. Learn how to comply with both the states' and Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) worker classification laws...
A Response to Recent Allegations of Misconduct — May 9, 2016 Like many of our members, Yoga Alliance has been following recent news about allegations of sexual misconduct by prominent yoga teachers with students in their teacher training programs. The allegations are troubling, and, if true, reflect conduct that is prohibited by the Yoga Alliance Registry Code of Conduct...
Do I Really Need Liability Insurance? — August 11, 2015 “It could never happen to me.” We’ve all said those words many times. The truth is, no one can ever be certain about what the future holds. When it comes to your personal and school- or studio-based yoga business, the risks are too high to not be insured against the unknown...
A Crash Course in Yoga Music Licensing in the United States — June 9, 2015 Did you know that playing music in a yoga class—whether it’s a studio or in your neighborhood park—constitutes a public performance? All public performances of a song require permission from the copyright owner...
A Beginner's Guide to Converting Independent Contractors to Employees — April 7, 2015 Recently, the IRS and state tax agencies have increased audits of yoga studios because they may have misclassified their workers as independent contractors rather than employees...
Our Official Stance on Government Regulation — January 12, 2015 In the wake of recent legislation threatening yoga instruction in many states, Yoga Alliance has a need to educate our members and the greater yoga community about the threat that government regulation poses to our beloved practice...
California Targets Yoga Studios Over Taxes — November 14, 2014 The California Economic Development Department is aggressively targeting yoga studios to determine whether they have properly classified yoga teachers and other workers as independent contractors rather than as employees...
RYS Faces State in Employee vs. Contractor Dispute — October 15, 2014 Polly Sweitzer, owner of Yoga Sol in Columbia, Missouri, experienced firsthand the challenge of running a yoga business and working with her state’s Department of Revenue...
Requirements for RYSs to Accept Title IV, GI Bill or AmeriCorps Awards — October 8, 2014 Registration of a yoga teacher training school as a Registered Yoga School (RYS) does not make that school eligible to accept Title IV funds. The vast majority of RYSs will not meet the standards necessary to accept Title IV funds...
The Legal Risk of Misclassifying Yoga Studio Workers — May 28, 2014 Many yoga studio owners classify their yoga teachers as independent contractors rather than employees. The problem with this approach is that in many cases it may be inconsistent with state and federal labor laws...
New U.S. Liability Insurance Provider: Same Benefits, More Savings — August 30, 2016 Starting September 1, our U.S. Liability Insurance program will be offered by Alliant Insurance Services. With this change comes some great news! Not only do you get the same great coverage you’ve come to expect from our program...
Going Global: Simplifying Retreat Planning — July 21, 2015 Learning Journeys, a Yoga Alliance partner, provides a step-by-step guide to retreat planning. You’ve added pictures of India, Costa Rica, Bali and Peru to your vision board. The dream of becoming a traveling yogi is within your reach...
Off the Mat, Into the World™ and Yoga Alliance join forces — June 13, 2013 We are excited to share an exciting new collaboration between Yoga Alliance and Off the Mat, Into the World™ (OTM). As a part of our Local Community Initiative, OTM will provide extensive tools, training and support for Yoga Alliance members who want to create community groups of yoga teachers, school directors and studio owners...
New Research Dispels Common Myths about Yoga Injuries — December 21, 2015 A few years back, an article in The New York Times, entitled “How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body,” raised some serious questions about yoga, implying that yoga commonly leads to injuries, including serious ones like sudden strokes. At the time, it created quite a stir because of its assertions that yoga injuries were of almost epidemic proportions...
An Insider View of Yoga Topics through the Eyes of YA Members — July 24, 2015 In April, Yoga Alliance® commissioned a voluntary study of current and former members. Participants provided insights about our existing and planned program development. The results are in!...
New Yoga Demographic Survey from Yoga Alliance — June 18, 2015 At Yoga Alliance, we continually strive to learn more about who practices yoga and who is interested in practicing yoga so we can offer the best resources to both our members and the general public. Yoga Alliance recently hired Wakefield Research to conduct a yoga demographic survey of American adults...
Researchers Explore How Yoga Research is Evolving — October 22, 2014 Researchers conducted a "literature review" of all available formal studies published by the medical and psychological community that used yoga interventions to promote or treat physical and mental well-being...