
Colorado Yogis: Make Your Voice Heard

January 16, 2015

Will you join us in opposing the Colorado Division of Private Occupational School’s (DPOS) efforts to impose burdensome and expensive requirements on yoga teacher training schools?  

This is a critical time to speak out. The DPOS is listening. Our legislators are listening. Governor Hickenlooper is listening. Every voice matters. 

If you oppose the unnecessary and harmful regulation of YTTs in Colorado, please get involved.  You can:

  1. Make sure Colorado’s decision-makers know this issue is important. We know that sometimes it feels like no one pays attention to letters, but trust us – elected officials are already paying attention. We just have to keep the momentum going. Model letters for the Governor, Lt. Governor, and State legislators as well as instructions on how to send are available here. Just print, sign, and send – and ask your friends to do it too! 
  2. Join us to tell DPOS what you think. The next DPOS meeting is January 27th at 9:30am in Denver. It is important that, together, we show the DPOS that its efforts will unnecessarily hurt Colorado’s vibrant yoga community. If you can join, please email us at, and keep an eye out for further details! 
  3. Send a message in a minute or less. Using the hashtag #ProtectColoradoYoga, share why you oppose the DPOS’ harmful regulations. You can also share and retweet our messages to help get the word out. Don’t forget to include Governor Hickenlooper (@hickforco), Lt. Governor Lynne (@LtGovofCO), and your state representatives in your messages.

Please be sure to stay connected with Yoga Alliance in the coming days and weeks. We will have more announcements about our work on this issue and about our presence in Colorado. If you have been contacted by the DPOS, have questions or want to help, let us know at

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