Maintaining Your RYT Status
There are four requirements to maintaining your status as a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) and access to Member Benefits. They are:
- Abide by the Ethical Commitment
In becoming a Yoga Alliance member, you agree to abide by the shared Ethical Commitment and all policies, including the Yoga Alliance Code of Conduct, Scope of Practice, and Position on Equity. Review a full list of Yoga Alliance policies.
- Provide Feedback to your RYS*
When you first register with Yoga Alliance, it is required that all teacher trainees review their school’s training online to complete registration. Reviews are not anonymous and cannot be changed, edited, or deleted once submitted. Schools may choose how much or little of their reviews can be seen on their Directory profile, but the overall rating will always be public. Find out more about Social Credentialing.
- Submit Continuing Education hours every three years
Yoga Alliance believes continued learning and growth is paramount to the maintenance of high standards in yoga instruction. For this reason, all RYTs must meet Continuing Education (CE) requirements in order to maintain their Yoga Alliance credential(s).
Read the Continuing Education Policy and learn about logging your hours.
- Pay the annual member dues
Annual member dues allow Yoga Alliance to continually improve the credentialing system and standards development, support the broader yoga community, and expand member benefits and services. Learn more about your annual dues.
(* - This is only a Requirement for new teachers or teachers upgrading after taking advanced or specialty teacher training. At this time, RYTs who are currently registered may not review the school where they previously completed their training.)