I first encountered yoga in 1991, just after High School, on an extended journey around the globe. India was one of the stops, where I met Baba Hari Dass, a life long yogic adept. I arrived at the inception point of what is a lifelong commitment and quest.
Since that time, I studied asana in depth with world class teachers including; Ramanand Patel, Tias Little and Richard Freeman. I credit Baba Hari Dass and Yogarupa Rod Stryker (whom I met in 2011) for teaching me the internal practice of yoga. These two teachers elevated my practice on a spiritual platform. All of these teachers supported me to live more graciously in the world, become more loving, and making meaningful contributions to society and to students.
Like many people who take up yoga, I naturally wanted to share it with others. In 2003, my wife and I started Denver Yoga Underground. Our school is dedicated to in-depth study, including: grassroots style yoga workshops, retreats and yoga teacher training. DYU as a safe haven for a diversity of people who may prefer to study traditional yoga outside of a conventional studio setting.
In reflection, I did not plan to become a yoga teacher training instructors, I just followed my heart and this is where I wound up. I’m also a professor at Metro State College and teach for-credit, Hatha Yoga courses. It brings me great joy to share what made such a lasting impression on my life so many decades ago.
In my view, all experiences, whether “positive” or “negative” are an opportunity to develop character and grow into our spiritual practice.